Articles in Referred Journals
Deymier, P. A., Runge, K., and Hasan, M. A., Topological properties of coupled one-dimensional chains of elastic rotators, Journal of Applied Physics 129 (8) 084903 (2021). Link
Hasan M. A., Calderin L., Lata T., Lucas P., Runge K., and Deymier P. A., Experimental Demonstration of Elastic Analogues of Nonseparable Qutrits, Applied Physics Letters 116, 164104 (2020). Link
Hasan M. A., Calderin L., Lata T., Lucas P., Runge K., and Deymier P. A., Directional Elastic Pseudospin and Nonseparability of Directional and Spatial Degrees of Freedom in Parallel Arrays of Coupled Waveguides, Applied Sciences 10(9), 3202 (2020). Link
Calderin L., Hasan M. A., Runge K., and Deymier P. A., Finite Elements Computational Modeling of Coupled Elastic Waveguides, Journal of Applied Physics, 128(4), 045110 (2020). Link
Deymier, P. A., Hasan, M. A., and Runge, K., Navigating the Hilbert Space of Nonseparable Elastic States in Arrays of Periodically Coupled One-dimensional Waveguides, AIP Advances, 10(9), 095105 (2020). Link
Deymier, P. A., Runge, K., and Hasan, M. A., Exponentially Complex Nonseparable States in Planar Arrays of Nonlinearly Coupled One-dimensional Elastic Waveguides, Journal of Physics Communications, 4(8), 085018 (2020). Link
Hasan M. A., Calderin L., Lata T., Lucas P., Runge K., and Deymier P. A., The Sound of Bell States, Nature Communications Physics, 2(106) (2019). Link
Hasan M. A., Calderin L., Lucas P., Runge K., and Deymier P. A., Spectral Analysis of Amplitudes and Phases of Elastic Waves: Application to Topological Elasticity, J. of the Acoustical Society of America, 146 (1), pp. 748-766 (2019). Link
Hasan M. A., Calderin L., Lucas P., Runge K. , and Deymier P. A., Geometric Phase Invariance in Spatio-temporal Modulated Elastic System, J. of Sound and Vibration, 459(27), 114843 (2019). Link
Calderin L., Hasan M. A., Jenkins N., Lata T., Lucas P., Runge K., and Deymier P. A., Experimental Demonstration of Coherent Superpositions in an Ultrasonic Pseudospin, Nature Scientific Reports, 9(1), 14156 (2019). Link
Deymier P. A., Runge K., Hasan M. A., and, Calderin L., Exponentially Complex “Classically Entangled” States in Arrays of One-dimensional Nonlinear Elastic Waveguides, Materials 12(21), 3553 (2019). Link
Hasan M. A., and Nemat-Nasser S., Shock-Induced Solitary Waves in Granular Crystals, Phys. Rev. E, 97(2), p. 022205 (2018). Link
Nantasetphong W., Jia Z., Hasan M. A., Amirkhizi A. V., and Nemat-Nasser S., A New Technique for Characterization of Low Impedance Materials at Acoustic Frequencies, Exp Mech, 58(8), pp. 1311–1324 (2018). Link
Hasan M. A., and Nemat-Nasser S., Basic Properties of Solitary Waves in Granular Crystals, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 101, 1-9 (2017). Link
Hasan M. A., and Nemat-Nasser S., Universal Relations for Solitary Waves in Granular Crystals under Shocks with Finite Rise and Decay Times, Physical Review E, 93(4), 42905 (2016). Link
Hasan M. A., McFarland D. M., and Vakakis A. F., Nonlinear Localization, Passive Wave Arrest and Traveling Breathers in Two-Dimensional Granular Networks with Discontinuous Lateral Boundary Condition, Wave Motion, 60, 196-219 (2016). Link
Hasan M. A., Cho S., Remick K., Vakakis A. F., McFarland D. M., and Kriven W. M., Experimental Study of Nonlinear Acoustic Bands and Propagating Breathers in Ordered Granular Media Embedded in Matrix, Granular Matter, 17(1), 49-72 (2015). Link
Hasan M. A., Pichler L., Starosvetsky Y., McFarland D. M., and Vakakis A. F., Effects of Uncertainties on Pulse Attenuation in Dimer Granular Chains with and without Pre-Compression, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 27, 749-766 (2015). Link
Zhang Y., Hasan M. A., Starosvetsky Y., McFarland D. M., and Vakakis A. F., Nonlinear Mixed Solitary-Shear Waves and Pulse Equi-partition in a Granular Network, Physica D, 291, 45–61 (2015). Link
Vakakis A. F., AL-Shudeifat M. A., and Hasan M. A., Interactions of Propagating Waves in a One-dimensional Chain of Linear Oscillators with a Strongly Nonlinear Local Attachment, Meccanica, 49(10), 2375-2397 (2014). Link
Hasan M. A., Cho S., Remick K., Vakakis A. F., McFarland D. M., and Kriven W. M., Primary Pulse Transmission in Coupled Steel Granular Chains Embedded in PDMS Matrix: Experiment and Modeling, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50, 3207-3224 (2013). Link
Hasan M. A., Starosvetsky Y., Vakakis A. F., and Manevitch L. I., Nonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer and Macroscopic Analog of the Quantum Landau-Zener Effect in Coupled Granular Chains, Physica D, 252, 46-58 (2013). Link
Szelengowicz I., Hasan M. A., Starosvetsky Y., Vakakis A., and Daraio C., Energy Equipartition in two-dimensional Granular Systems with Spherical Intruders, Physical Review E, 87(3), 032204 (2013). Link
Starosvetsky Y., Hasan M. A., and Vakakis A. F., Nonlinear Pulse Equipartition in Weakly Coupled Ordered Granular Chains With No Precompression, J. of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 8(3), 034504 (2013). Link
Starosvetsky Y., Hasan M. A., Vakakis A. F., and Manevitch L. I., Strongly Nonlinear Beat Phenomena and Energy Exchanges in Weakly Coupled Granular Chains on Elastic Foundations, SIAM J. on Applied Mathematics, 72(1), 337-361 (2012). Link
Hasan M. A., and Sumathy K., Photovoltaic Thermal Module Concepts and their Performance Analysis: A Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14(7), 1845-1859 (2010). Link
Hasan M. A., and Sumathy K., Study on the Potential Use of Helical Swirl Generators in Enhancing the Thermal Performance of Solar Air Heaters, Int. J. of Ambient Energy, 30(4), 207-216 (2009). Link